Title: Her Master's Kiss 3
Author: Vivien Sparx
Kindle Edition
"He wanted her. He needed her. But could he truly love her. . .?"
When Stefan and Renee find themselves in a deepening relationship, the fragile bonds of trust so carefully developed are suddenly broken when a careless mistake is made. Suddenly their future together is in jeopardy as Stefan struggles to deal with a relationship where he is no longer the Master, and he no longer has control. Everything is at risk. . . and no one is safe.

When Stefan and Renee find themselves in a deepening relationship, the fragile bonds of trust so carefully developed are suddenly broken when a careless mistake is made. Suddenly their future together is in jeopardy as Stefan struggles to deal with a relationship where he is no longer the Master, and he no longer has control. Everything is at risk. . . and no one is safe.
The most electrifying read I have ever read in 2013 by far, I was so so so happy when found out Vivien had written another HMK story I couldn't control my excitement. I dove right into HMK3 straight away. . .
We follow on in Stefan's and Renee's intoxicating romantic life 6 months on after HMK2, Stefan has opened up a lot about his old life with his ex wife and is showing Renee just how much she does actually mean to him. They have a new lodger staying with them who is Tink, after she saved Renee's life and not only has no where else to go but Stefan and Renee took her in until Stefan could find her a more loving Master not like the disgrace Larry Maddox...
However Vivien just had to throw in the mix of more people from their Past's to arrive...throwing Stefan off balance and feeling very lost and having no control of his relationship and having no trust.. But was so happy Tink told him some very needed home truths to Stefan which made him wake up just in the right nick of time..
I loved when Tink went to meet Master Peter who was also an old friend of Stefan's but he was so different to Master Larry, he seemed so caring, It was definitely a distraction half way through this story with the darkness cloud hovering over Renee and Stefan once again.
I despised Master Larry completely he was an utter horrible lazy slob who just drinks alcohol all the time, the picture I did have of Master Larry was a man who was fat, had stinky breath and just loved to use his fists to get his own way. But I did like the way Vivien's creative writing brought such an amount of emotion from one horrible evil villain.
We follow on in Stefan's and Renee's intoxicating romantic life 6 months on after HMK2, Stefan has opened up a lot about his old life with his ex wife and is showing Renee just how much she does actually mean to him. They have a new lodger staying with them who is Tink, after she saved Renee's life and not only has no where else to go but Stefan and Renee took her in until Stefan could find her a more loving Master not like the disgrace Larry Maddox...
However Vivien just had to throw in the mix of more people from their Past's to arrive...throwing Stefan off balance and feeling very lost and having no control of his relationship and having no trust.. But was so happy Tink told him some very needed home truths to Stefan which made him wake up just in the right nick of time..
I loved when Tink went to meet Master Peter who was also an old friend of Stefan's but he was so different to Master Larry, he seemed so caring, It was definitely a distraction half way through this story with the darkness cloud hovering over Renee and Stefan once again.
I despised Master Larry completely he was an utter horrible lazy slob who just drinks alcohol all the time, the picture I did have of Master Larry was a man who was fat, had stinky breath and just loved to use his fists to get his own way. But I did like the way Vivien's creative writing brought such an amount of emotion from one horrible evil villain.
This is one story which leaves you feeling like you have been on one hell of a roller coaster probably in tears and very drained but also happy for them too.
I loved the style of writing again in this final installment of the HMK series, Vivien is certainly a fantastic erotic romance writer who made this series so beautiful and very suspenseful but also leaving you feeling like you know Stefan and Renee in person. I Loved this series and I urge all of you to read these books, Please please do! You will be sadly missing out on fantastic reads if you don't.
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