Saturday, 9 May 2015

Always The Bridesmaid Blog Tour: Author Interview with Lindsey Kelk

I am so happy to be part of Lindsey Kelk's new novel Always The Bridesmaid Blog Tour today! I had the pleasure of having Lindsey stop by for a short interview. Here is the interview.

Q) Hi Lindsey, "Always The Bridesmaid" came out 7th May, Can you tell us a little bit about it?

Yes! Always the Bridesmaid is about Maddie, an assistant events organiser who finds out at the beginning of the book, that one of her best friends is getting married and that the other is getting divorced. Trying to play peacemaker between the two of them while helping to plan Lauren a wedding and counsel Sarah through her break up, she’s still hung up on her ex and miserable in her job.

Even though Maddie is a bridesmaid in the book, it not really a story about that, it’s about allowing yourself to be pushed into a bridesmaid position in your life. Maddie is so used to coming second -  with her friends, her family, her career – that she doesn’t even realise there’s another way to live. This is the story of how that all changes.

Q) Have you ever been a bridesmaid?

I have, once as a little girl and twice as a grown up. I don’t think I was very good at it either time. I definitely cried on all three occasions but only had to be carried out to bed once. I cannot confirm that was when I was a little girl.

Q) What inspired you to write this story and why?

My life, the lives of my friends, stories I heard from other people. I love looking at the things that effect our day to day lives, issues that are bigger than ourselves, and starting my story there. About a Girl was about the pressure on people to make huge important choices when they’re very young and the fear that comes with making the wrong one, I Heart Christmas was about ‘having it all’ and whether or not that’s a fantasy concept, What a Girl wants was about making choices when you have no idea of the outcome. I take an idea and build a world around it. Or at least, that’s the plan.

Q) Favourite Chick-lit film and why?

I basically love everything that’s ever been committed to celluloid so it’s hard to choose a favourite. I enjoyed them all, Bridget Jones, Devil Wears Prada, even Shopaholic – it gets a bad rap but I think Isla Fisher and High Dancy are lovely in it. But then Hugh Dancy is lovely in everything.

Q) Are you a fan of weddings?

Ehh, it’s such a broad brush. Sometimes they’re wonderful and sometimes they’re painfully terrible, I’ve been to both ends of the spectrum. I love the idea of a wedding but I’m also very cynical about the idea of marriage in general and the thought of spending all that money on one day which ultimately might not mean anything really causes me pain. But if anyone asks, yes! I love weddings! They’re wonderful and not an extortionate obligation at all!

Q) Have you any writing tips to anybody who is wanting to start writing?

Just write! It’s really the only tip you need. If you desperately want another, read. The more you read, the better your writing will become and the more you write, the easier it will be. That’s really all you need to know. To be a writer, you have to write.

Q) Describe Always the Bridesmaid in 5 words...

Stunning masterpiece of epic proportions OR A funny, thoughtful, sweary story

Thank you Lindsey for stopping by!
Always the Bridesmaid is out now!
Go buy now!!

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