Friday, 20 February 2015

Thoughtful by S.C. Stephens Blog Tour

Today I am Part of S.C. Stephens Thoughtful blog tour! If anybody knows who Kellan Kyle or read the thoughtless series then you will be mega excited to read this!

Thoughtful is all about Kellan Kyle's story and how he is this big sexy rockstar and falls in love with his best friend's girlfriend Kiera.. which should be a big no no but he just can't help it!
If anyone read Thoughtless then you will know thats where the story began but that book was from Kiera's point of view, this time its all about Kellan!

I was so excited when the lovely Clara from Little Brown asked me to be part of this blog tour as I've only recently just read the "Thoughtless" Series and loved it so I was thrilled when I was told there was a new book in the series!

Kellan Kyle is one hell of a fine man! He comes across as a typical rockstar just wanting to bang every girl he can lay his eyes on but deep down he wants to settle down and have a girl who he can love forever..

This book is just fantastic! I don't know how much I can talk about this book without telling you everything! You most definitely will love Kellan Kyle by the end of the book and will want to read the other books if you haven't already! I adored Thoughtful so much and while reading it answered so many things I had going through my head when I first read Thoughtless which I knew would only get answered by Kellan in his own story.

Thoughtful has received 5 star rating for being amazing, sexy, blessed with handsome rockstar men and so perfect!!

didn't like it didn't like it didn't like it didn't like it didn't like it

Thoughful is out on 24th February
Pre-Order here now!

Paperback                 Kindle

Thursday, 12 February 2015

As Good As It Gets? by Fiona Gibson Blog Tour

Today I'm part of the wonderful Fiona Gibson's new book As Good as it Gets? Blog tour. 
I always know when I pick up a book by Fiona that I am going to be giggling along and they are a light hearted read.

In As Good as it Gets? we meet Charlotte Bristow who has a lot on her plate, whether its working a full time job, dealing with her husband not having a job, or her 16 year old daughter Rosie who has just been newly signed to a model agency..Charlotte has it tough! Things are changing in their household and sometimes not for the better.

I thoroughly enjoyed and loved this so much, there was plenty of laugh out loud moments throughout the book especially the beginning of the book started with letters with some humour had me giggling right away.  I felt a little sorry for Charlotte throughout the book as you could really tell she had her hands full but also the way Fiona writes her books, its just like real life situations with no fairy tale dusting.

Fiona has once again written a superb book that is light hearted with a beautiful colourful cover that is a great easy read. I would highly recommend picking this up next time your shopping.
didn't like it didn't like it didn't like it didn't like it

As Good as it Gets? is out on 26th February
Pre-order here
Paperback              Kindle

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Showcase Sunday #3

Showcase Sunday is hosted by the lovely Vicky at 
Books Biscuits and Tea. The aim of this event is to highlight our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week. For more information about how this feature works and how to join in, click here.

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Hello you lovely people! I haven't done a Showcase Sunday for ages so here goes with some exciting books that I have received from publishers or I have bought myself over the last month.

Books from publishers

- The Life I Left Behind by Colette Mcbeth
- The Year of Taking Chances by Lucy Diamond
- As Good as it Gets by Fiona Gibson
- A Place for Us by Harriet Evans
- Three Amazing Things about you by Jill Mansell
- What If by Rebecca Donovan

My Recent Book Purchases

- Anna and the french kiss by Stephanie Perkins
- Lola and the boy next door by Stephanie Perkins
- Isla and the happily ever after by Stephanie Perkins
- Beautiful Redemption by Jamie McGuire

YESTERDAY I RECEIVED THESE... so excited to read Hero by Samantha Young!

Hope your all having a lovely weekend.
Bought any books recently? or what are you waiting to come out?
Let me know on here & on twitter @AbbeyLouise20